the sleepy circle

I know you might be tired. Frustrated. Feeling like you’re doing it all wrong. But you are in the right place. And I can promise you that you already have everything within you that your baby needs. I am just here to help you find it, trust it, and use it. So close your eyes, take a deep breath— I’ve got you.

I’m So happy you’re here

My Name is

Taylor Westenberger

As a mother of two- a son & a daughter- I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve heard all the “just wait untils”, depicting baby sleep as a tortuous, never-ending saga that would leave me depleted- a shell of the woman I used to be. And while it hasn’t been easy, and at times has brought me to my knees, I’m going to be the voice telling you about the beautiful simplicity that baby sleep can be. The way nature designed the connection between mother & baby perfectly— and how we can use that to help us all get more sleep!

Lets work together


Lets work together *

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what you should know

About Normal Baby Sleep

Chances are, the advice you’ve received about baby sleep isn’t necessarily false. Rather, it is founded on beliefs or ideologies that largely don’t take into account temperament, attachment, biological patterns of feeding, or infant neurobiology. So if traditional Western sleep practices don’t work for you— it’s not because there’s something wrong with you or your baby. I promise! If you want to learn how to address your sleep challenges from a place that honors your need for rest as well as your baby’s need for connection, I can help!

“Attachment focused, whole-family centered approach that leads change with the needs of the baby-mother dyad at it’s core.”