As a first time mom, I was wildly unprepared for what baby sleep is really like. It was HARD! So at The Sleepy Circle, we help you see what normal baby sleep looks like. And we will help you find actionable ways to improve it if you’re needing a change.

what we do here 

  • We believe that YOU know your baby best & your intuition is what will guide our work together.

  • Attachment and connection are at the forefront of every change.

  • No separation techniques to achieve independent sleep.

  • No strict rules, forced time frames or rigid schedules.

  • Every baby is different, so every sleep plan will be unique & custom to your needs.

The origin—

It All Started With My Son

Have you ever felt like you are the only one in your group of friends or family whose baby just doesn’t sleep?! They say, ‘oh try a sound machine, blackout curtains, and putting him down drowsy, but awake.’ As if you haven’t tried all the things!! The truth is- some babies just don’t do well with that setup. And there are many factors that could be at play- from temperament, to birth trauma, to general developmental readiness. My son was this way. And ultimately what he needed was connection- he needed me. But I didn’t have the knowledge to see this. All I could see was my struggle, with no end in sight. If this sounds familiar, I can help. You have options. And none of those options require you to leave your baby crying alone.

And Then There Were Two

I welcomed my daughter when my son was about two and a half. At that time he was sleeping independently (it just clicked for him, eventually). So with her, I not only had the education and knowledge around baby sleep, but I also had the personal experience that showed me ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’. I knew just how quickly time flies by, so my perspective on sleep was much lighter and more realistic. Providing that confidence around sleep (as well as the knowledge of infant neurobiology and developmentally appropriate sleep patterns) is exactly what I can provide to parents struggling with their child’s sleep.

I can’t promise you ‘sleep in 2 weeks’— but here’s what I CAN promise:

  • Authenticity- What you see here is who I really am. I will guide you like I would guide myself, my friend, my mother, my daughter.

  • Compassion- Chances are, I know what you’re feeling- I’ve been there. So I will see you & I will truly listen to what you have to say.

  • Knowledge- Education around sleep is how I empower YOU to make the change. I don’t actually do the work, all that strength is yours.

  • Honesty- I will not mislead you or be disingenuous about what I can provide. I will tell you how I can help, or guide you to someone who can.

Check out my services to see how I can help you!