Book With me

1:1 Consult Calls— Choose Your Service

Discovery Call

30 Minute Zoom


  • No in-depth forms

  • No prep, no fuss

  • Ask any questions you have about your child

  • Determine future support if needed

Connection Call

60 minute zoom


  • Intake form prior to call

  • Brief sleep log

  • Discussion around sleep goals & tailored plan/adjustments to meet those goals

  • Resources & education to help implement the advice

1:1 Email Support— Choose Your Service

1 Week Of Support


  • Brief intake form

  • Intro email to address concerns & goals as well as establish a plan

  • Daily email check-ins for ONE week (M-F) to follow up on the changes implemented and to troubleshoot if needed

2 Weeks Of Support


  • Brief intake form

  • Intro email to address concerns & goals as well as establish a plan

  • Daily email check-ins for TWO weeks (M-F) to follow up on the changes implemented and to troubleshoot if needed

Monthly Package

1 Month Of Support


  • Detailed intake form

  • Feeding log + 3 day sleep log

  • 60 minute Zoom call to discuss sleep concerns & goals and implement customized strategy to address those details

  • Weekly email checkins (once/week) for 4 weeks to follow up on the changes implemented and troubleshoot if needed