Explore My Services

Things are different here—

But they are GOOD different. You won’t see a service or a guide or a course that tells you exactly what to do and how to do it. Babies aren’t math problems- you can’t just plug in their age and pop out a magical schedule that will solve everything. That would be nice though, right?!

Instead, you will find peace of mind.

You will find knowledge and education to guide your decisions.

You will feel seen and heard.

Your struggles and worries won’t be glossed over.

You will be supported in making choices for your child that FEEL GOOD.

Booking with me should feel like talking to a trusted friend-one that wants to hear all the nitty gritty- the good, the bad, the ugly- I’m here to take that off your shoulders for a sec.

And after that, we can get to work on something unique and individualized for you and your little one(s).

If you have any questions, I’m here!

Service #1

One on One Consults

This service is 1:1 individualized support (via Zoom) for your particular family & child’s needs. It is ideal for those families who may need a more in-depth look at what’s going on for their child. These calls are 30 OR 60 min long, and I offer a variety of options in regards to pricing, time commitment, and preparation.

Service #2

One on One Email Support

This service is 1:1 email support. It is ideal for families who may have just a few personalized questions unique to their child, but need an option that is more time efficient and can fit into their schedule at their convenience.

Service #3

Sleep Support Packages

This is the most in-depth service option. It includes a detailed intake form, feeding & sleep logs, a 60-min Zoom call, and subsequent email support. It is ideal for families who prefer more time to implement any changes/knowledge, as well as continued access to support while applying those changes. It is offered monthly.

Service #4

Courses & Guides

This is the most cost & time effective service option. These are downloadable courses and guides that can help troubleshoot common sleep problems for your child.

If you have more questions, reach out to me here :)